Monday, October 17, 2011

Hot Hockey....Oh Yeahhhh

Hello my lovely teammates,

I’ll start by saying how incredibly happy I am playing hockey and that is 100% because of our wonderful team.

Anyway down to the purpose of my post…

About 30 seconds into playing each of our games I realize just how out of shape I am. It’s about time I change that. Because working out is always more fun with buddies I thought it’d be nice if we knew when our team mates were free to run or go to the gym. If anyone is in favor of doing this I figure we could make a Google doc with our free times to work out then see who has overlapping time periods to meet up. But because I’m computer illiterate, I don’t know how to make such a document.

Also, I thought I’d throw in my favorite quote in just for funnies…

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.”

-Maya Angelou

One of the things I love most about our team is our awesome positive attitude but one bad egg can spoil the cake. (Is that a real quote or did I just make that up? I know there’s one about bad eggs but I don’t think that’s it…either way cake tastes awful when the eggs are bad so it’s applicable...just go with it haha). I like to keep this quote in mind when we do our 60 second drills because even though I think my legs might fall off and I want to complain and whine my pants off these drills are clearly making us better skaters so the pain is worth it in the end. A positive attitude makes a huge difference. Keep up the good work!




Xixi said...

love love love everything you said! =)

Ariane said...

awesome! Also I'm totally up for google doccing the gym.